Morey Coffinet Bourgogne Rouge 750ml
Morey Coffinet Bourgogne Rouge 750ml: A pretty and expressive nose offers up notes of red pinot fruit and plenty of earth character. There is both goo
$ 25.99
Morey Coffinet Bourgogne Blanc 750ml
Morey Coffinet Bourgogne Blanc 750ml: From one of the top growers and winemakers in the hallowed vineyards of Chassagne where he has superb holdings,
$ 29.99
$ 32.00
$ 38.99
$ 39.99
$ 39.99
$ 40.00
$ 42.00
$ 44.99
$ 45.00
$ 49.00
$ 49.96
Plum Market
Farmington Hills, MI - 248-706-1600
United States
$ 49.99
$ 52.99
Morey-Coffinet Bourgogne Blanc 750 ml
Allen Meadows' BurgHound: "Smoky aromas include those of just sliced apple, pear and cool citrus. There is fine volume, even succulence, to the punchy middlewei
$ 54.98
$ 55.00