$ 2.95
Jacob's Creek Riesling 750ml
Sourced from selected grape growing regions, this is a crisp, elegant wine, with a fresh floral bouquet, citrus flavors and a delicate finish.
$ 3.99
Jacobs Creek Shiraz 750ml
Jacobs Creek Shiraz 750ml | Medium bodied wine with plum, pepper and spicy fruit flavors with subtle hints of toasted oak. Enjoy with any red meat dishes or hard cheeses.
$ 4.49
Jacobs Creek Chardonnay 750ml
Jacobs Creek Chardonnay 750ml | Medium bodied wine with attractive lemon, stone fruit, melon and subtle oak flavors. Enjoy on its own or with grilled vegetables, fish, or chicken.
$ 4.49
Jacobs Creek Moscato 750ml
Jacobs Creek Moscato 750ml | Displays attractive sweet tropical and subtle pear fruit flavors with delicate aromas and a great balance.
$ 4.49
$ 5.49
$ 5.49
$ 5.49
$ 5.49
$ 5.50
$ 5.50
$ 5.50
$ 5.50
$ 5.95
$ 5.95
$ 5.95
$ 5.99
$ 5.99
$ 5.99
$ 5.99