Gulden Draak 330 ml
Gulden Draak is a high fermentation beer with secondary fermentation. For the secondary fermentation, wine yeast is used. The white bottle, the black banner, the golden dragon and the red letters,…
$ 4.99
330 mL
$ 5.49
330 mL
$ 5.99
330 mL
$ 6.49
330 mL
$ 7.00
330 mL
$ 13.99
Gulden Draak Ale 25.4fl oz
Festive living ale, triple by style, brown ruby color, balances a natural malt sweetness, the glow of the alcohol, with a hoppy gentle touch. Creamy head, and full body. Refermented in the bottle.
$ 13.99
$ 15.99
Upland, CA - 877-981-9044
United States
$ 15.99
Chino, CA - 800-410-6004
United States
$ 15.99
Chino, CA - 800-410-6004
United States
$ 15.99
Upland, CA - 877-981-9044
United States
$ 15.99
$ 15.99
330 mL
Gulden Draak 9000 Quadruple (Belgium) 750ml
The recipe, on basis of 3 different kinds of malt added in a volume of 4 times the content in lager, provide the Gulden Draak 9000 Quadruple with a deep golden amber color and a fruity scent.…
$ 15.99
Gulden Draak Triple Ale (Belgium) 750ml
Gulden Draak is a beer in a class of its own. It is a beer that is so rich, so glowing, so full of its very own characteristic flavor, that it reminds some who try it of chocolate and others of…
$ 15.99
$ 15.99
$ 16.69
$ 16.98
$ 16.99