Craigellachie 13 YRS 750ml
Craigellachie 13 YRS 750ml | This whisky presents notes of cove-studded baked apples and Sulphury cordite. It is hefty, malty, mazy in the mouth. It is Bonnie sweet, but with fire in its belly.
$ 43.43
Craigellachie - 13 year Scotch
On a rock overlooking the river Spey sits a distillery called Craigellachie. At night, when the moon is full, you can see the worm tubs glisten. These long.
$ 50.99
$ 50.99
Craigellachie - 13 year Scotch
On a rock overlooking the river Spey sits a distillery called Craigellachie. At night, when the moon is full, you can see the worm tubs glisten. These long.
$ 50.99
$ 51.99
$ 52.09
$ 52.99
Depot Wine
Brewster, NY - 845-279-0112
United States
$ 52.99
$ 52.99
$ 54.69
$ 54.95
$ 54.99
$ 54.99
Craigellachie - 13 year Scotch (750ml)
One of the three official Craigellachie bottlings released in 2014, their 13 year old single malt Scotch whisky handsomely shows off the bold, robust character.
$ 54.99
Craigellachie - 13 year Scotch (750ml)
One of the three official Craigellachie bottlings released in 2014, their 13 year old single malt Scotch whisky handsomely shows off the bold, robust character.
$ 54.99
$ 54.99
$ 54.99
Craigellachie - 13 year Scotch (750ml)
One of the three official Craigellachie bottlings released in 2014, their 13 year old single malt Scotch whisky handsomely shows off the bold, robust character.
$ 54.99
$ 59.97