Lillet Rose 750ml

Lillet Rose 750ml

Cordials And Liqueurs

Description: It's a blend of red and white Bordeaux wines mixed with herb and fruit liqueurs before ageing in oak. An exceptional aperitif in the same vein as its rightly famed Blanc and Rouge. Brilliant Rose in color. Light aromas of berries, orange blossom and grapefruit. Fresh, lively and fruity. Balanced structure. Slightly acidic with a […]
Price: $ 24.99
Price in original currency: None

Available from Oak & Barrel

Address: 235 East 57th Street, Ground Floor
Between 2nd and 3rd Ave
New York, NY  10022
United States
Telephone (regular): 212-308-6252
Get driving directions to Oak & Barrel

First added to 1000 Corks on May 3, 2021.