Fermín Jamón Ibérico de Bellota Acorn fed 100%, bone-in.

Fermín Jamón Ibérico de Bellota Acorn fed 100%, bone-in.

Description: Fermin is considered one of the top Iberian ham producers in Spain. The jamones are from pigs that are 100% Iberian stock and not bread with the more common domestic pig. And it is also forages on acorns. This is a whole leg of jamon with the bone in, so you will need a knife to slice it with and a stand to put it on i
Price: $ 1165.05
Price in original currency: None

Available from Spanish Table Wines

Address: 1426 Western Ave
Seattle, WA  98101
United States
Telephone (regular): 206-682-2827
Get driving directions to Spanish Table Wines

First added to 1000 Corks on August 9, 2024.