Tin Cup American Whiskey 750ml

Tin Cup American Whiskey 750ml

Description: This 84 proof American Whiskey is aged in new charred white oak American barrels and cut with rocky mountain water. It's blended and bottled in Denver, Colorado. Legally speaking, it's bourbon, but what makes Tincup unique is its high rye content which gives it a bold and spicy flavor. The cap screws on and can be used for drinking. The Mash Bill is 64% corn, 32% rye, & 4% malt. Tincup, Co is an old mining town in Gunnison County, set on the western side of the Colorado Rockies and named for the old cups the miners would drink from.
Price: $ 25.99
Price in original currency: None

Available from Hi-Time Wine Cellars

Address: 250 Ogle Street
Costa Mesa, CA  92627
United States
Telephone (toll-free): 800-331-3005
Telephone (regular): 949-650-8463
Fax: 949-631-6863
Get driving directions to Hi-Time Wine Cellars

First added to 1000 Corks on October 21, 2015.