BROKER'S Dry Gin 750ml

BROKER'S Dry Gin 750ml

Description: This is a London dry gin but not in the typical sense, this Gin is not quite as dry as some of its counter parts, which gives it an edge. It also can't hurt that is made in a two hundred-year-old Gin distillery that uses copperstills. This gin is distilled four times and before the fourth distillation they steep the ten botanicals (fruits, herbs, spices) in the spirit for twenty-four hours giving it enchanting floral aromas on the nose. On the palate there is sweet herb and citrus tones and it has a medium dry finish that has citrus and juniper inflections. For the money it is hard to ask for more bang for the buck.
Price: $ 21.99
Price in original currency: None

Available from Hi-Time Wine Cellars

Address: 250 Ogle Street
Costa Mesa, CA  92627
United States
Telephone (toll-free): 800-331-3005
Telephone (regular): 949-650-8463
Fax: 949-631-6863
Get driving directions to Hi-Time Wine Cellars

First added to 1000 Corks on August 16, 2021.