Telmo Rodriguez Ladeiras Do Xil Falcoeira A Capilla Valdeorras Tinto

Telmo Rodriguez Ladeiras Do Xil Falcoeira A Capilla Valdeorras Tinto

Vintage: 2019
Description: Telmo Rodriguez has become one of Spain's most exciting wine makers over the past decade. His family owned Remelluri (of which he now makes again) but he stretched his wings early by making wine in different locations. He has become a strong proponent of single vineyard wines and has really worked at identifying vineya
Price: $ 99.99
Price in original currency: None

Available from Spanish Table Wines

Address: 1426 Western Ave
Seattle, WA  98101
United States
Telephone (regular): 206-682-2827
Get driving directions to Spanish Table Wines

First added to 1000 Corks on May 3, 2024.