Beefeater Gin 750ml
Description: | Clear. Forcefully aromatic, with extravagant juniper character showing through. A note of viscosity on the palate reinforces the fat, juniper berry impression. The finish is long, rich and complex. A very stylish, hedonistic gin. |
Price: | $ 16.99 |
Price in original currency: | None |
Previously available from Hi-Time Wine Cellars
Address: |
250 Ogle Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 United States |
Telephone (toll-free): | 800-331-3005 |
Telephone (regular): | 949-650-8463 |
Fax: | 949-631-6863 |
First added to 1000 Corks on July 29, 2015.
This product was inactivated November 22, 2024.
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