Meletti Liqueur Amaro 750ml -
Description: | Deep mahogany wood color. The nose is rich and pronounced, filled with a myriad of aromas. Roasted hazelnuts, sassafras, root beer, sage, rosemary, and cherry syrup come to mind. The finish is sweet but balanced by a slight bitterness. (Chairman's Trophy) (Great Value) - 2018 Ultimate Spirits Challenge |
Price: | $ 18.32 |
Price in original currency: | None |
Available from Saratoga Wine Exchange
Address: |
42 Phila St. Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 United States |
Telephone (toll-free): | 877-493-6532 |
Telephone (regular): | 518-580-9891 |
Fax: | 518-580-9679 |
First added to 1000 Corks on December 30, 2024.