Bijofu Sake Junmai Daiginjo ‘Yumebakari – Dreamweaver' NV 720ml

Bijofu Sake Junmai Daiginjo ‘Yumebakari – Dreamweaver' NV 720ml

Description: A sake of remarkable clarity, with a soft approach, light, spritzy citrus finish. Typically drier and lighter than most Junmai Daiginjo but with surprising depth. Aromas of tropical fruit, beautiful silken texture with notes of pink grapefruit, characteristically dry finish of expressed citrus oils. Made just once a year in a small batch, Bijofu's masterpiece of sake making. Suggested Food Pairings: Raw oysters, delicate fish like Akamutsu (Rosy reabass) and Kinmeidai (Golden Eye Snapper)
Price: $ 75.24
Price in original currency: None

Available from Saratoga Wine Exchange

Address: 42 Phila St.
Saratoga Springs, NY  12866
United States
Telephone (toll-free): 877-493-6532
Telephone (regular): 518-580-9891
Fax: 518-580-9679
Get driving directions to Saratoga Wine Exchange

First added to 1000 Corks on June 30, 2024.