Platinum 7X Vodka 750ml
A polished offering with a evenly balanced nose of fresh wheat grass, lime zest, dried hay, white pepper, and dried goose berry. The palate delivers a smooth punch of crushed black peppercorn, cream,…
$ 14.41
$ 14.97
1.75 L
$ 14.97
$ 14.99
1.75 L
New York, NY - 855-744-6978
United States
$ 14.99
$ 14.99
700 mL
$ 14.99
$ 14.99
$ 14.99
$ 14.99
Minneapolis, MN - 800-486-2434
United States
$ 14.99
Upland, CA - 877-981-9044
United States
$ 14.99
$ 15.00
$ 15.09
$ 15.09
$ 15.98
$ 15.99
$ 15.99
1.75 L
Platinum 7X Vodka (1.75L)
Platinum 7X Vodka is distilled seven times from corn grown in America?s heartland. Using a special combination of column and pot still distillations, Platinum.
$ 15.99
1.75 L
$ 15.99
1.75 L