La Lupinella Bianca 750ml
A white wine with a fresh and bright character. The grapes are carefully selected: a small part is picked from the bunch by hand and added during fermentation in terracotta jars, to intensify the…
$ 27.94
$ 27.99
$ 28.00
$ 28.00
$ 28.98
$ 28.99
$ 29.49
$ 29.98
$ 29.99
$ 29.99
Double Magnum (3 L)
$ 29.99
Double Magnum (3 L)
$ 29.99
$ 29.99
$ 30.00
NV Ca'Bianca Brachetto D'Acqui
This wine must be ordered online or by phone at 510-525-9463. Minimum orders are firm. Timelines associated with expedited delivery services are only from the date of shipment. Solano Cellars cannot…
$ 30.00
$ 30.00
Teruzzi & Puthod Isola Bianca Vernaccia
This wine must be ordered online or by phone at 510-525-9463. Minimum orders are firm. Timelines associated with expedited delivery services are only from the date of shipment. Solano Cellars cannot…
$ 30.00