Meletti - Sambuca (750ml)
Sambuca is a licorice-flavored liqueur that derives its flavor from the gentle distillation of the elder bush, known in Latin as sambucus. The fruit from.
$ 20.99
$ 20.99
Washington, DC - 202-363-3466
United States
$ 20.99
Meletti - Anisette (750ml)
The very special flavor of Meletti Anisette is a result of slow evaporative distillation and the quality of the anise (Pimpinella Anisum) that is grown in.
$ 20.99
$ 21.95
Meletti - Sambuca (750ml)
Sambuca is a licorice-flavored liqueur that derives its flavor from the gentle distillation of the elder bush, known in Latin as sambucus. The fruit from.
$ 21.99
Meletti Anisette 750ml
Cordials And Liqueurs
Wine Enthusiast – 90 Points Among the best of the its category, Meletti made its name experimenting with anise plants from numerous Italian provinces as far back as 1870, determining finally…
$ 21.99
$ 21.99
Meletti Amaro
Meletti Amaro is produced according to a secret family recipe that originated at the turn of the century. This remarkable blend of aromatic fruits, herbs, and spices creates a perfectly balanced…
$ 21.99
Meletti Anisette
Meletti Anisette is one of Italy's oldest liqueurs produced using Silvio Meletti's original recipe from 1870. Naturally aromatic, anise seed from Le Marche is distilled in a bain marie, then blended…
$ 21.99
$ 21.99
Meletti - Sambuca
Meletti - Sambuca available at Super Liquors Online in Simsbury, CT
$ 21.99
$ 21.99
$ 21.99
Meletti - Anisette (750ml)
The Meletti Anisette Liqueur has a primary character of black licorice, that penetrates the nose and the palate. It has been a classic Italian liqueur since.
$ 21.99
Meletti Coffee
Meletti Coffee available at Super Liquors Online in Simsbury, CT
$ 21.99
Meletti Sambuca
Over a century of fine distilling and a royal patent issued in 1879 are testaments to the great reputation of Meletti Sambuca. The best anise plants are cultivated from the clay soil of Ascoli…
$ 21.99
$ 21.99