Meletti 1870 Bitter Aperitivo 750 ML
Meletti 1870 is a traditional Italian aperitivo, it is usually enjoyed with a splash of club soda or mixed with vermouth and soda to make an Americano, 1870 also lends itself to many other…
Orlando, FL - 407-826-1542
United States
$ 39.99
Meletti Cioccolato 750 ML
The Meletti family, through skillful blending, has created a delicious cocoa- based liqueur. Meletti Cioccolato was created by Silvio Meletti as a winter drink, intended to be served warm, however…
Orlando, FL - 407-826-1542
United States
$ 39.99
Meletti Anisette 750ml
Meletti Anisette. Is one of Italy's oldest liqueurs produced using Silvio Meletti's original recipe from 1870. Naturally aromatic, anise seed from Le Marche is distilled in a bain marie, then blended…
$ 39.99
Meletti Fernet 750 ML
The color is dark amber and the nose is herbaceous with balsamic notes. On the palate, a beginning of spice evolves to balsamic with mint, and finishes with bitter gentian root. It has a very long…
Orlando, FL - 407-826-1542
United States
$ 39.99
Meletti Sambuca Liqueur 750 ML
Sambuca is a licorice-flavored liquer that derives its flavor from the elder flower bush, know in Latin as "sambucus". Meletti Sambuca stands head and shoulders above the competition because it is…
Orlando, FL - 407-826-1542
United States
$ 39.99
Meletti Anisette 750 ML
Meletti Anisette is the result of slow, evaporative distillation and the quality of the anise (Pimpinella Anisum) that is grown in the clay soil near Ascoli Piceno. It is an exceptionally flavorful…
Orlando, FL - 407-826-1542
United States
$ 39.99
Meletti Amaro Liqueur 750 ML
A bitter amber-coloured liqueur, distinguished by a unique and intense taste, with floral and fruity scents given by the many botanics and spices contained. Evolution of ancient family recipes, Amaro…
Orlando, FL - 407-826-1542
United States
$ 39.99
Meletti Fernet 750ml
Meletti Fernet. Dark amber color with herbaceous and balsamic notes. Palate starts with spice that evolves to balsamic with mint and finishes with bitter gentian root (used for digestion). Balanced…
$ 44.99
Meletti Cioccalato 750ml
Meletti Cioccalato. Milk and Dutch cocoa are combined with sugar and alcohol to create a decadent and intensely rich chocolatey spirit. Whether warmed, for a hot chocolate a la Meletti, or chilled,…
$ 44.99
$ 51.48
$ 51.48
$ 51.48
$ 51.48
$ 52.43
$ 52.43
$ 54.48
$ 54.48
$ 54.95
$ 56.48
$ 56.48